This NEW May Astrology Update Will Leave You Feeling Amazing

Welcome to our May Astrology News!

Here you’ll find all of the Astrological events occurring in May 2024 and how they will impact your upcoming month.

May is here so get ready for some massive changes! In this article, you’ll find:

  1. Astrological Events happening in May that affect you.
  2. May Full Moon & New Moon dates and summary
  3. Activities to help you during these events!

Astrological Events:

May 1: Beltane

  • On May 1st the Astrological event and holiday of Beltane is celebrated!
  • Beltane is the Gaelic May Day festival marking the midway between the spring equinox and summer solstice. 1

Here are some activities you can do:

  1. Have a safe bonfire!
  2. Feast on dairy as a nod to the Irish tradition of protecting their dairy against the faeries from stealing milk from livestock and spoiling their dairy.
  3. Focus on protection and emphasizing the new life you can create as this growing season is blooming. 2
Beltane Poster

May 2: Pluto goes into retrograde

Pluto is the planet of Transformation, rebirth, and modification within pleasure, death, and passion. 3

  • While Pluto is ruled by the astrological sign Scorpio, this Pluto retrograde is entering the sign of Aquarius.
  • This means that Pluto’s Scorpio energy focuses on one’s self-criticism, compulsive behavior, and fixed mindset and is now being met with Aquarius’s energy of nurturing, ability to expand, and detachment. 

During this time, it’s best to focus on detaching from compulsive behaviors and trusting your intuition and actions. 

More Activities To Try:

  1. Be open to connecting to your creativity. Try new things!
  2. Do a detachment meditation where you call your energy back to you.
  3. Do what you need to feel better!

May 8: New Moon in Taurus

The New Moon is energetically about new beginnings and the time to plant the intentions for growing and transmuting your energy.

  • Working with the New Moon is all about working with your feelings.
  • The Taurus energy comes in through focusing on what your values are, how to appreciate life, and how to focus on your pleasure.

Activities you can do during this new moon:

  1. Journal about what brings you joy in life. If there’s nothing, write what you can try.
  2. Watch your actions to see if you’re living by your values.
  3. Feel happiness in the small things in life. EX: feeling the wind on your skin, tasting your favorite food, etc.

May 9: Mercury will be most visible in the Northern Hemisphere

Mercury will be visible in the morning hours in the Pisces constellation!

  • Mercury is 4.5 billion years old and named after the Roman God of Commerce. It’s slowly getting smaller and has the energy of nervous, communication, and adaptability. 4
  • Mercury is currently direct, so no need to worry about its retrograde. Just enjoy the view!

The best time to view Mercury will be at it’s highest point just before sunrise!5

Below is a photo of where to look in the sky, or use free tools like the app Star Walk 2 (not a sponsor just a great app)!

A photo showing where to look in the sky to find Mercury in the beginning of May.
Where to find Mercury in the sky6

May 12: Mother’s Day

While Mother’s Day was established as a holiday in 1914 by President Woodrow Wilson in the USA, many nations observe Mother’s Day as the second Sunday in May so it’s close to the full moon!7

  • This energy can be partnered to feel abundance, fertility, and your nurturing feminine.

Activities you can do this day:

  1. Feel your abundance with our Aromatherapy Candle Line in our shop!
  2. Enduldge in yourself and do everything you’ve been needing to do.
Candles NOW AVAILABLE poster.

May 14: Ceres the Astroid goes Retrograde

Our Dwarf Planet Ceres is the largest object in the Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and has been impacting our lives since we were born. 8

  • Ceres going into retrograde will affect our habits through questioning how we live our lives.
  • This retrograde will have us questioning how we handle our physical bodies and actions the most around work, eating, and money habits.

Activities to do around this time:

  1. Write down limiting money beliefs and what beliefs you’d like to have.
  2. Figure out your prefered work-life balance and how to achieve that.
  3. Look positively at what you can add to improve your habits. *Check out our article on how to change your bad habits!

May 19: Taurus Season Ends

It’s the last day of Taurus season!

  • Partner with this last day’s energy of grounding, practicality, and finishing what needs to be done from the beginning of the season.

May 20: Gemini Season Begins

Gemini Poster

Gemini is the sign of the twins, Castor and Pollux from Babylonian astronomy meaning, “The Mighty King” and “The One who has arisen from the Underworld”, the perfect pair of understanding. 9

  • Get prepared to feel all of your feelings, very intensely at this time.
  • The best part is that you’re in control and can feel all of your feelings with the understanding that they’re coming.

It’s the time to feel everything to understand all sides. Here are some activities you can do: 

  1. Write down your positive, negative, and neutral emotions to see how balanced you are.
  2. Have the “talk” with those you’ve been needing to.
  3. Be nice to your shadow when it shows up.

May 23: Flower Full Moon in Sagittarius 

Full Moons are the time to bring awareness to who you are and end what you no longer want to focus on.

  • This Full Moon in Sagittarius was known by early Native American tribes as the Flower Moon due to it appearing during the time massive amounts of flowers bloom. 10
  • Sagittarius is where the moon appears in the sky. This energy brings very potent answers, the feeling of expansiveness, and enlightenment.

Activities to do during this full moon:

  1. Ask yourself what you no longer want in your life and what action you can do to end it.
  2. Think on how you can expand something you enjoy.
  3. End all that is harming you with confidence.
Sagittarius Constellation Poster

May 23 (again): Venus enters Gemini

Venus is the planet of pleasure, money, love, and desires!

  • Enjoy the sweetness of pleasure, love, and desires with an understanding from Gemini energy!
  • This time will help you understand everything you need to know to excel in these aspects of life.

May 25: Jupiter enters Gemini

Jupiter is the planet of Abundance!

  • Thanks to the understanding and joy of Gemini, when Jupiter enters the scene, be aware of opportunities, growth, and inspiration in your career.

Partner with this energy through these activities:

  1. Ask yourself where you can grow.
  2. Imagine what amazing opportunities you’d like.
  3. Do something you’ve never done before.
Jupiter Planet Poster.

What are you looking forward to the most this month?

Let us know in the comments below!

Comment below about what you think poster.
Please comment below!


  1. “Beltane.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 30 Apr. 2024, Accessed 30 Apr. 2024. ↩︎
  2. Snugg, Hayley. “What Is Beltane? And What Should I Cook for It?” Allrecipes, 23 Apr. 2021, ↩︎
  3. “Pluto.” Astrology Zone, Accessed 30 Apr. 2024. ↩︎
  4. Gong, Tina. “Mercury Astrology Symbol – Characteristics, Planet Energy and More.” Labyrinthos,,with%20nervous%20and%20anxious%20energy. Accessed 30 Apr. 2024. ↩︎
  5. “Astronomy Calendar of Celestial Events for Calendar Year 2024.” Sea and Sky’s Astronomy Reference Guide, Accessed 30 Apr. 2024. ↩︎
  6. Zimmerman, Kim A. “Pisces Constellation: Facts About the Fishes.” Space.Com, 22 Jan. 2018, Accessed 30 Apr. 2024. ↩︎
  7. “THE ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF MOTHER’S DAY.” Astrology.Com, 12 May 2023,’s%20Day,with%20motherhood%20and%20the%20feminine. Accessed 30 Apr. 2024. ↩︎
  8. “Ceres.” NASA, Accessed 30 Apr. 2024. ↩︎
  9. “Gemini (Astrology).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Apr. 2024,,as%20a%20positive%2C%20mutable%20sign. Accessed 30 Apr. 2024. ↩︎
  10. “Astronomy Calendar of Celestial Events for Calendar Year 2024.” Sea and Sky’s Astronomy Reference Guide, Accessed 30 Apr. 2024. ↩︎

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