What This Gemini Season Will Invite To Your Life

This 2024 Gemini Season is May 20-April 20th.

This inviting airy energy brings a need of communicating and understanding to your life.

Keep Scrolling to learn how!

Gemini Decor of gemini sign with galaxy
Keep Scrolling to Learn How To Work With This Inviting Energy!

To make this easy, this article is broken down into parts:

  1. How Gemini being ruled by Mercury impacts you.
  2. Gemini’s energy
  3. Horoscopes
  4. Practices to do during this time!

Let’s begin with Mercury, the Planet ruling over Gemini

  • Mercury is the planet of communication, intellect, and expression.
  • Mercury brings new energy for us in three ways:
  1. Finally speak out mind.
  2. Say what you need to say.
  3. Be intellectual about the way you speak.

Gemini Energy

  • Gemini energy is the great twins Pollux and Castor. These two were the perfect interpretation of yinyang- “The Mighty King” and “The One who has arision from the Underworld”.
  • Gemini brings both sides of a situation to light so it can be handled.
  • When Gemini energy is not in balance, it can lead to a few things:
  1. Seeing only one side with a black-and-white mentality.
  2. Feeling extremely pulled into too many directions.
  3. Not being able to understand others feelings.

Horoscope for the collective:

  • During this impactful Gemini season, there’s a few things you may notice popping up because of these energies:
  1. The urge to speaking out about your beliefs.
  2. Wanting to see more than you currently are.
  3. Feeling frustrated when others feel differently than you.
  4. Releasing everything that no longer serves you.
  5. Concreting your beliefs and the way you live.
  6. Feeling connected to your dark/light side.

Practices to help you thrive during this time:

  1. Journal about your feelings with openness.
  2. Say everything you’ve been needing to say to everyone and yourself.
  3. Ask yourself “what is it that I’ve been needing to feel balanced?”
  4. Find a balance between your work-life balance.
  5. Decide what life you want to live and write the steps on how to get there.
  6. Explore your own personal style to see which makes you most confident.
  7. If you’ve been feeling very down, find how you can balance with some activities that make you feel uplifted (Check out our Orange & Cedar Aromatherapy Candle to help with that!).
  8. Spend some time doing your favorite thing. If there is none, spend this time being open and finding it!
  9. Speak to yourself kindly during this month.
  10. Speak to your shadow that you’ve been ignoring through meditation and mindfulness practices. Release everything you’ve not been saying to yourself.

Crystal aids during this time:

  1. Blue Apatite
  2. Celestite
  3. Blue Labradorite
  4. Turquoise
  5. Chrysocolla
  6. Blue Tigers Eye
  7. Moonstone
  8. Alexandrite

Herbal aids during this time:

  1. Ashwaghanda
  2. Tumeric
  3. American Ginsing
  4. Maca
  5. Lavender

Make sure that you stay kind to yourself during this Gemini Season!

No one can change your life, except you! I invite you to embrace this Gemini season of understanding, balance, and uplifting to


  1. “Gemini (Astrology).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Apr. 2024, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gemini_(astrology). Accessed 9 May 2024.

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